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Human Kindness Makes You and Everybody Else Feel Better; and that's Good!
Note: My wife, Nancy and I saw this on our morning trail walk!
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Thank you, Mike Hayes

by Mike Hayes

Think Bigger and Grow Richer with AI, the AI Supercampus of Media, Marking, Publicity, and AI Business Networking for all of US Stakeholders in The American Dream, Democracy, the Constitution, The Pursuit of Happiness, Purpose, and Fulfillment.
AI Supercampus - Think Bigger and Grow Richer
Profiles and human kindness.
To All Stakeholders in the U.S. Constitution,
I'm Mike Hayes, a Common Sense AI and Media Marketing Strategist. Along with my friends and mentors from Oxford University - Nakul Thomas, an MBA student, and Eero Varra, the world's foremost strategist from Oxford's MBA and EMBA programs - we promote Eero Varra's Stakeholders Narrative Storytelling Strategy for Business Sustainability locally and globally.
There are many storytelling strategies envisioned, including dialogues online dialogues that are kinder and gentler using AI to communicate back-and-forth to find common sense, common ground, and commonwealth
You can now Illustrate your support for the American Dream and your pursuit of happiness as a stakeholder in the Constitution by participating in the AI Common Sense Podcast Listening Revolution.
Think Bigger and Grow Richer with AI. Mike Hayes. Get Gamma AI, and Get Going Today.